Getting a quote for your installation project can be quite easy

With google and other search engines all you have to do is search for camera companies in your area and email or call them ato ask for a free quote. most companies will give you a free no obligations quote for your camera system. If they ask you to pay for them to comeout to give you a quote – move on and call other comapnies.

When getting aqote you will want to ask for the following

1-How many cameras do they recommend
2-Where on the building will the camera be located
3-Make sure you share with them the areas you are concerned about that you want to keep an eye on
4-What is the viewing angle of the cameras.
5-Will the camera at the location they want to place them give you the shot that you want
6-What is the resolution of the cameras
7-What type of recording device will be included
8-Does the recording device have hdmi output
9-Is there a monitor with the system
10-can you connect the system to your TV
11-Will you be able to view your cameras from your smart phone remotely
12-How many days will the recorder store the recorded video for
13-What is their warranty on the installation
14-What is their warranty on the equipment
15-Does the quote include all equipment, labor and materials
16-What is their warranty on the labor
17-What materials will be included – for example cabling, conduite, juction boxes etc

Most companies will include all the above at a minimum in their estimate.

If you are purchasing your equipment from a different company and want the security camera company to just provide the installation they will not be able to give you a warranty on the equipment and may not on the installation. You will need to deal with the manufacturer of the camera equipment or the store you purchased them from for warranty issues. Typical rates for installing your camera system that your purchased will run from $100 per camera to over $200 per camera for a residential installation depending on the difficulty of the installation and how much materials are needed. Commercial installation will run from $150 per camera to over $750 per camera depending on te size of the facility, the difficulty of the installaiton and the materials required.

To get the best quotes call at least 3 companies and get detailed quotes from them. It will also help make your process more efficient if you decide on the equipment or features you want. this will help make it easier for you to comapre the quotes – since they will all be using very similar equipment based on the features you want.